- Repentance (taubah)
- Sincerity (ikhlas)
- Slavehood (abdeyat)
- Love of Allah swt (muhabbat)
- Awe (khashoo)
- Fear (khauf)
- Hopefulness (raja')
- Humility (tawaduh)
- Thanfulness (shukur)
- Patience (saber)
- Reliance (tawakul)
- Dependence (tafweedh)
- Acceptance (raz(dh)a)
- Abstinence (zuhud) , etc. and
B. Elimation or rectification of:
- Love of the worldly (hubb e duyah)
- Love of fame (hubb e jah)
- Arrogance (kibr)
- Showing off (ria)
- Backbiting (ghibah)
- Calamities of Tongue: Lying (kazb), carrying tales (namemah), humiliating others, talking harshly & rudly, talking unnecessarilry.
- Anger (gazab)
- Envy andHatred (hasad wa bugz wa keana)
- Being stingy (bkhul)
- Being spend-thrift (israf)
- Greed (heris), etc.
These basic concepts should be very clear in regards to tasawwuf.